
Neuromas are growths on the sheaths that surround nerves. In the foot, they are found on the inter-digital nerves between the metatarsal bones in the forefoot. In this location they are referred to as Morton's neuromas. They cause pins and needles sensations, and sometimes burning and numbness, in the balls of the feet and toes particularly at the third and fourth toes. Tight fitting shoes with high heels, narrow toes and little padding are especially bad because they squeeze the metatarsal bones together pinching the nerve. However, individuals who wear "good" shoes may also develop them. This is especially true for athletes and people who put a lot of strain on their feet. Abnormal pronation in these cases may be a contributing factor. Orthotics will redistribute the weight on the foot and reduce the metatarsal movement which irritates the nerve, thus bringing relief. If you suffer from a neuroma, I recommend you start by trying shoes that are roomy, have lots of cushion and for women, avoid high heels. If these steps are unsuccessful, make an appointment for evaluation and treatment.