Knee Pain

Knee pain can be from many causes, including trauma and arthritis, but in some cases, it can be due to abnormal foot biomechanics. Anterior knee pain (front of the knee at the knee cap) is often caused by tracking dysfunction of the patella, or knee cap, in its groove on the femur. This abnormal tracking may cause softening of the cartilage on the under-surface of the knee cap where it contacts the thigh bone or femur. This condition is called chondromalacia patella, and it often affects athletes, particularly runners and bicyclists. It is referred to by some as "runners knee". 

If you think you suffer from chondromalacia patella, the first thing to do stop the activity that is causing the pain. If you are a cyclist, you will need to have your bike position evaluated because a seat that is too low puts excessive strain on the knees. Dr Ehrenberg can evaluate you on your bike for the optimal position. In addition, your training, technique and biomechanics will be considered to come up with a plan to bring relief. For runners anof evaluation of your shoes, training, technique and biomechanics is necessary to get on the path to recovery.